
「區選覓途」 計劃

“DE Way Out” Project

調查結果 (2019-11-24 ~ 2019-12-02)


§   鑒於區議會選舉將於11月24日舉行,香港民意研究所聯同學者推行「區選覓途 DE Way Out」計劃,以網上民調方式收集市民對區議會選舉及香港前途的意見,為紛亂的社會尋找出路。

§   「區選覓途」計劃督導委員會包括以下三位成員,未來可能會邀請更多人士參與:

o   鍾庭耀,香港民意研究所主席及行政總裁
o   鍾劍華,香港理工大學應用社會科學系助理教授
o   陳家洛,香港浸會大學政治及國際關係學系副教授

§   「區選覓途」計劃會分兩輪網上問卷調查收集市民意見,首輪調查將於11月24日區議會選舉當日 (上午7時30分至晚上11時59分) 進行,次輪調查則於11月25至30日期間進行。

§   「區選覓途」計劃要求市民先登記成為香港民研意見群組成員,然後到網上平台發表意見。不過,平台也會容許非群組成員發表意見,只是未經身分核實的意見可能會被刪除。「區選覓途」會收集市民對區議會選舉及香港前途的意見,範圍包括選民投票的原因、對區選過程和結果的評價和對解決當前困局的方法。

§   「區選覓途」計劃將於11月23至24日派出義工在本港各區派發宣傳單張,邀請市民登記成為群組成員,然後發表意見,單張派發地點待定。「區選覓途」需要大量義工,請到香港民研網站登記。

Survey Results (2019-11-24 ~ 2019-12-02) (Chinese only)

Briefing Sheet

§   In view of the upcoming District Council election on November 24, Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) is working with scholars to kick start the “DE Way Out” project, which aims to find a way out for the chaotic society by collecting public opinions on the District Council election and the future of Hong Kong via online surveys.

§   The steering group of “DE Way Out” project comprises the following three members, more may be recruited in due course:

o    Robert Chung, President and CEO, Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute
o    Chung Kim-wah, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences, PolyU
o    Kenneth Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Government and International Studies, HKBU

§   DE Way Out” would collect public opinion by two rounds of online surveys. The first round will take place on November 24 District Council election day (7:30am to 11:59pm), and the second round during November 25 to 30.

§   “DE Way Out” requests people to register as POP Panel members before submitting opinions via the online platform. The project, however, also accepts submissions from unregistered people, only that views from unverified sources may not be counted. “DE Way Out” surveys cover areas like reasons of voters’ choice, appraisal of the election process and results, as well as suggestions to resolve the current crisis.

§   On November 23 and 24, volunteers will be deployed by “DE Way Out” to different districts to distribute promotion leaflets. They will invite people to become panel members and then make submissions. The locations of leaflet distribution are yet to be decided. “DE Way Out” requires a lot of volunteers, please register at the HKPORI website.

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