新聞公報所有202420232022202120202019香港民研發放「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」之 「年終回顧」調查及限聚指數 (2022-12-20)HKPORI releases the “Year-end review” survey under “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review” and GGPI (2022-12-20)2022-12-20香港民研發放特首、司長及政府民望 (2022-12-13)PORI releases popularities of CE, Secretaries of Departments and SAR Government (2022-12-13)2022-12-13香港民研舉行「青年事務」 以及限聚指數新聞發佈會 (2022-12-09)HKPORI holds a press conference on “Youth Matters” and GGPI (2022-12-09)2022-12-09香港民研發放社會幸福指標 (2022-12-06)PORI releases social well-being indicators (2022-12-06)2022-12-06香港民研發放五項核心社會指標以及社會狀況評價 (2022-11-29)PORI releases five core social indicators and appraisal of society’s current conditions (2022-11-29)2022-11-29香港民研發放「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」之 紀律部隊及駐港解放軍最新民望及總結 (2022-11-22)PORI releases the latest results and wrap up on popularity figures of disciplinary forces and the PLA Hong Kong Garrison under “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review” (2022-11-22)2022-11-22香港民研發放特首及政府民望 (2022-11-15)HKPORI releases popularity of CE and SAR Government (2022-11-15)2022-11-15香港民研發放立法會議員民望 (2022-11-08)PORI releases popularity of Legislative Councillors (2022-11-08)2022-11-08香港民研舉行「人才外流和吸引人才」、「施政報告跟進調查」以及限聚指數新聞發佈會 (2022-11-04)HKPORI holds a press conference on “Brain drain and policies to attract talents”, “Policy Address follow-up” survey and GGPI (2022-11-04)2022-11-04香港民研發放政府民望數字及市民對政府政策範疇評價 (2022-11-01)PORI releases popularity of SAR Government and people’s appraisal of its policy areas (2022-11-01)2022-11-01香港民研發放台灣及西藏問題調查結果 (2022-10-25)PORI releases survey results on Taiwan and Tibetan issues (2022-10-25)2022-10-25香港民研舉行施政報告即時調查結果發佈會 (2022-10-20)HKPORI holds a press conference on Policy Address Instant Poll (2022-10-20)2022-10-20香港民研發放市民對社會政策滿意程度調查 (2022-10-18)PORI releases people’s appraisal of social policies (2022-10-18)2022-10-18香港民研舉行「施政報告期望」、「特首施政百日」、「大灣區生活及工作」以及「限聚指數」新聞發佈會 (2022-10-14)HKPORI holds a press conference to release surveys on “Policy Address expectations”, “CE 100 days in office” and “Living and working in Greater Bay Area” and “GGPI” (2022-10-14)2022-10-14香港民研發放「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」之 市民對新聞傳媒的評價最新結果及總結 (2022-10-11)PORI releases latest results and wrap up on people’s appraisal of news media under “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review” (2022-10-11)2022-10-11香港民研發放司局長民望數字及 「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」之司長民望總結 (2022-09-27)PORI releases popularity figures of principal officials and wrap up on popularity of Secretaries of Departments under “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review” (2022-09-27)2022-09-27香港民研舉行「家庭照顧者」以及 限聚指數新聞發佈會暨小型政策論壇 (2022-09-23)HKPORI holds a press conference cum mini-policy forum on “Family Carers” and GGPI (2022-09-23)2022-09-23香港民研發放特首民望數字 (2022-09-20)PORI releases popularity figures of CE (2022-09-20)2022-09-20香港民研發放最新政府民望及「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」之「法治指標總結」(2022-09-13)HKPORI releases the latest popularity of SAR Government and “Wrap up on rule of law indicators” under “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review” (2022-09-13)2022-09-13香港民研發放政治團體民望 (2022-09-06)PORI releases popularity figures of political groups (2022-09-06)2022-09-061 / 4