新聞公報所有202420232022202120202019香港民研發放「支援照顧者」專題民調 – 照顧者人口推算HKPORI releases “Support for Carers” Topical Survey – Estimates of the Carer Population2024-12-19香港民研發放「民情指數之按統獨傾向分析」HKPORI releases “PSI per Centrality”2024-12-17香港民研發放「支援照顧者」線上慎思民調結果HKPORI releases the e-Deliberative Poll results on “Support for Carers”2024-12-12香港民研 發放 市民對新聞傳媒評價 (2024-12-10)HKPORI releases people’s appraisal of news media (2024-12-10)2024-12-10香港民研 發放「民情指數之按經濟活動狀況分析」(2024-12-03)HKPORI releases “PSI per Economic Activity Status” (2024-12-03)2024-12-03香港民研 發放 司長民望及社會狀況評價 (2024-11-28)HKPORI releases the popularity of Secretaries of Departments and people’s appraisal of society’s conditions (2024-11-28)2024-11-28香港民研 發放「民情指數之按性別與年齡分析」(2024-11-19)HKPORI releases “PSI per Gender and Age” (2024-11-19)2024-11-19香港民研 發放 特首及政府民望 (2024-11-14)HKPORI releases the popularities of CE and SAR Government (2024-11-14)2024-11-14香港民研 發放「民情指數之按月分析」(2024-11-05)HKPORI releases monthly PSI figures (2024-11-05)2024-11-05香港民研 發放 施政報告即時調查質性意見分析及「民情指數第6.45號報告」(2024-10-31)HKPORI releases the qualitative data analysis on the Policy Address instant survey together with PSI Report No. 6.45 (2024-10-31)2024-10-31香港民研 發放「民情指數之按教育程度分析」(2024-10-22)HKPORI releases “PSI per Educational Attainment” (2024-10-22)2024-10-22香港民研 發放 施政報告即時調查結果及 網上調查施政報告期望質性意見分析 (2024-10-17)HKPORI releases the Policy Address instant survey findings along with the online survey qualitative data analysis on Policy Address expectations (2024-10-17)2024-10-17香港民研 發放「民情指數之按年齡或世代分析」(2024-10-08)HKPORI releases “PSI per Age or Generation” (2024-10-08)2024-10-08香港民研 發放 社會及自由指標、 「香港民研意見群組」網上調查盛事經濟質性意見分析 (2024-09-30)HKPORI releases the social and freedom indicators along with the “POP Panel” online survey qualitative opinion data analysis on mega event economy (2024-09-30)2024-09-30香港民研 發放 社會狀況評價、信任及信心指標 (2024-09-24)HKPORI releases people’s appraisals of society’s conditions along with trust and confidence indicators (2024-09-24)2024-09-24香港民研 發放 局長民望 (2024-09-17)HKPORI releases popularity of Directors of Bureaux (2024-09-17)2024-09-17香港民研 發放 特首及政府民望 (2024-09-10)HKPORI releases popularities of CE and SAR Government (2024-09-10)2024-09-10香港民研 發放「民情指數之按身份認同感分析」(2024-09-03)HKPORI releases “PSI per Ethnic Identity” (2024-09-03)2024-09-03香港民研 發放 「香港民研意見群組」市民最關心社會問題質性意見分析 及「民情指數第6.41號報告」 (2024-08-29)HKPORI releases the “POP Panel” online survey qualitative opinion data analysis on people’s most concerned problems together with PSI Report No. 6.41 (2024-08-29)2024-08-29香港民研 發放「民情指數之按房屋類型及擁有權分析」(2024-08-20)HKPORI releases “PSI per housing type and ownership” (2024-08-20)2024-08-201 / 3