新聞公報所有202420232022202120202019香港民意研究所 「民主派立法會議員去留問題民意調查」 研究建議 (2020-08-25)Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute Opinion Survey on the Staying or Resignation of Democratic Legislative Councillors Research Proposal (2020-08-25)2020-08-25民研計劃發放最新社會指標以及市民最熟悉政治人物排名榜 (2020-08-18)POP releases the latest social indicators as well as rankings of people’s most familiar political figures (2020-08-18)2020-08-18民研計劃發放特首及司長民望數字 (2020-08-11)POP releases popularity figures of CE and Secretaries of Departments (2020-08-11)2020-08-11民研計劃發放兩岸政治人物民望 (2020-08-04)POP releases popularity of cross-strait political figures (2020-08-04)2020-08-04香港民意研究所(研究所,PORI)有關 警方搜查研究所辦公室及取走資料之跟進聲明 (2020-08-04)A Follow-up Statement from Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (PORI) on a Police Search of PORI’s Office (2020-08-04)2020-08-04民研計劃發放特首和特區政府民望及民情指數 (2020-07-28)POP releases popularities of CE and SAR Government and Public Sentiment Index (2020-07-28)2020-07-28民研計劃發放最新社會及自由指標 (2020-07-21)POP releases the latest social and freedom indicators (2020-07-21)2020-07-21民研計劃發放特首及問責司局長民望數字 (2020-07-17)POP releases popularity figures of CE and principal officials (2020-07-17)2020-07-17香港民意研究所(研究所,PORI)有關 警方搜查研究所辦公室及取走資料之聲明 (2020-07-17)A Statement from Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (PORI) on a Police Search of PORI’s Office and the Taking Away of Data from PORI (2020-07-17)2020-07-17香港民意研究所(研究所,PORI)有關 普及投票系統資訊安全之聲明 (2020-07-17)A Statement from Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (PORI) on the Information Security of the PopVote System (2020-07-17)2020-07-17民研計劃發放社會狀況評價 (2020-07-07)POP releases people’s appraisal of society’s current conditions (2020-07-07)2020-07-07民研計劃發放特區成立週年調查結果 (2020-06-30)POP releases HKSAR anniversary surveys (2020-06-30)2020-06-30民研計劃發放特首和特區政府民望及民情指數 (2020-06-23)POP releases popularities of CE and SAR Government and Public Sentiment Index (2020-06-23)2020-06-23民研計劃發放香港市民身分認同調查結果 (2020-06-16)POP releases survey on Hong Kong people’s ethnic identity (2020-06-16)2020-06-16民研計劃發放特首及問責司局長民望數字 (2020-06-09)POP releases popularity figures of CE and principal officials (2020-06-09)2020-06-09民研計劃發放六四事件週年調查 (2020-06-02)POP releases June Fourth Incident survey (2020-06-02)2020-06-02民研計劃發放特首和特區政府民望及民情指數 (2020-05-26)POP releases popularities of CE and SAR Government and Public Sentiment Index (2020-05-26)2020-05-26民研計劃發放香港紀律部隊及駐港解放軍民望數字 (2020-05-19)POP releases popularity figures of Hong Kong disciplinary forces and the PLA Hong Kong Garrison (2020-05-19)2020-05-19民研計劃發放特首及問責司局長民望數字 (2020-05-13)POP releases popularity figures of CE and principal officials (2020-05-13)2020-05-13民研計劃發放最新社會及自由指標 (2020-05-08)POP releases the latest social and freedom indicators (2020-05-08)2020-05-082 / 3