新聞公報所有202420232022202120202019民研計劃發放十大政治團體評分 (2020-04-28)POP releases ratings of top 10 political groups (2020-04-28)2020-04-28民研計劃發放特首和特區政府民望、市民對政府政策範疇評價及民情指數 (2020-04-21)POP releases popularities of CE and SAR Government, people’s appraisal of policy areas of the government and Public Sentiment Index (2020-04-21)2020-04-21民研計劃發放立法會議員民望 和財政預算案次輪跟進調查結果 (2020-04-15)POP releases popularity of Legislative Councillors and findings of Budget second follow-up survey (2020-04-15)2020-04-15民研計劃發放特首及問責司局長民望數字 (2020-04-07)POP releases popularity figures of CE and principal officials (2020-04-07)2020-04-04民研計劃發放五大行政會議成員評分 (2020-03-31)POP releases ratings of top 5 Executive Councillors (2020-03-31)2020-03-31民研計劃發放特首和特區政府民望及民情指數 (2020-03-24)POP releases popularities of CE and SAR Government and Public Sentiment Index (2020-03-24)2020-03-24民研計劃發放市民對新聞傳媒的評價 (2020-03-17)POP releases People’s Appraisal of the Local News Media (2020-03-17)2020-03-17民研計劃發放特首及問責司局長民望數字 (2020-03-10)POP releases popularity figures of CE and principal officials (2020-03-10)2020-03-10民研計劃發放財政預算案首輪跟進調查結果 (2020-03-03)POP releases findings of Financial Budget first follow-up survey (2020-03-03)2020-03-03香港民研主席鍾庭耀呼籲設立「民間口罩合作社」(2020-02-28)President of HKPORI Robert Chung suggests people to set up mask cooperatives (2020-02-28)2020-02-28民研計劃發放財政預算案即時調查結果 (2020-02-27)POP releases findings of Financial Budget instant poll (2020-02-27)2020-02-27民研計劃發放特首和特區政府民望、各項信任及信心指標及民情指數 (2020-02-25)POP releases popularity of CE and SAR Government, trust and confidence indicators and Public Sentiment Index (2020-02-25)2020-02-25民研計劃發放市民最熟悉政治人物排名榜 (2020-02-18)POP releases rankings of people’s most familiar political figures (2020-02-18)2020-02-18民研計劃發放特首及問責司局長民望數字 (2020-02-11)POP releases popularity figures of CE and principal officials (2020-02-11)2020-02-11香港民研主席鍾庭耀向特首公開進言 (2020-02-05)President of HKPORI Robert Chung makes a public appeal to the Chief Executive (2020-02-05)2020-02-05民研計劃發放香港巿民對各地人民及政府的觀感 (2020-02-04)POP releases findings on Hong Kong people’s feelings towards different governments and people (2020-02-04)2020-02-04民研計劃發放特首和特區政府民望及民情指數 (2020-01-31)POP releases popularity of CE and SAR Government and Public Sentiment Index (2020-01-31)2020-01-31民研計劃發放兩岸政治人物民望 (2020-01-21)POP releases popularity of cross-strait political figures (2020-01-21)2020-01-20民研計劃發放立法會議員民望 和台灣及西藏問題的最新調查結果 (2020-01-14)POP releases popularity of Legislative Councillors and the latest survey on Taiwan and Tibetan issues (2020-01-14)2020-01-14民研計劃發放特首及問責司局長民望數字 (2020-01-10)POP releases popularity figures of CE and principal officials (2020-01-10)2020-01-103 / 3